Torah Today Ministries
Torah Today explores the Hebrew scriptures and culture that shaped the life of Jesus and provides common ground for all who seek the truth. We provide short teachings on various topics from a biblical perspective and provide valuable insights into words and phrases from the Hebrew Bible.
249 episodes
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 59
We are all familiar with so many of David's psalms wherein he moans about the things he is going through and expresses despair and near hopelessness. This psalm could easily have been like one of these. But Psalm 59 has a different tone. ...
Season 2
Episode 59
Bread Crumbs - "Bricks and Stones"
What is the difference between a brick and a stone? One can be substituted for the other. Right? (This is what the builders of the Tower of Babel did.) But in the Bible, it seems that God has an aversion for bricks. And, of course, the Israelit...
Season 12
Episode 19
Be Our Guest - Joshua Barry
During my travels in New Zealand (Nov.19 - Dec.9, 2024), I had the privilege to meet many fascinating people, some of whom I also got to interview and record their stories. In this interview, I would like to introduce you to Joshua Barry. I met...
Season 6
Episode 11
Be Our Guest - Tony Sears
During my travels in New Zealand (Nov.19 - Dec.9, 2024), I had the privilege to meet many fascinating people, some of whom I also got to interview and record their stories. In this interview, I would like to introduce you to Tony Sears. Tony li...
Season 6
Episode 10
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 58
Psalm 58 is a unique psalm which I call Song of the Sociopath. It describes the intractability of certain souls who resist the righteous path and are bent on persecuting the innocent. Such a person was King Saul's counselor, Abner, who, traditi...
Season 2
Episode 58
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 57
This is the sixth psalm (in a series of nine) where David prays for deliverance. But in this psalm, David does something completely different. Can you discover what it is? We also learn something fascinating about the Hebrew word for "dawn". We...
Season 2
Episode 57
Bread Crumbs - "Birds of Pray"
Everyone knows the story of Noah and the Ark. But there are some details of the story that you may have missed, like the release of the raven, and then the dove, and then the dove again, and then the dove a third time. What is this all about? A...
Season 12
Episode 18
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 56
Psalm 56 begins a series of five psalms called "Michtams". It is uncertain what this term means, but it is somehow related to fine gold, thus making these "golden" psalms, or maybe David's favorite psalms. Psalm 56 is also the second psalm insp...
Season 2
Episode 56
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 55
What do you do when you discover that your closest friend on earth - a friend in whom you have confided for years - has secretly turned against you and is plotting to kill you? That is what David is dealing with in this psalm, and it echoes Yes...
Season 2
Episode 55
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 54
This short psalm describes David's betrayal by the Ziphites - a mob of fellow Judeans - men who should have been loyal to their brother, David. Verses 1-3 are David's prayer for help; verses 4-7 are David's words of praise and commitment to God...
Season 2
Episode 54
Hebrew Key #22 - Fingernails & Diamonds
The Bible uses the word tziporen only two times. The first time, it is translated "fingernail" (Deuteronomy 21:12). The second time, it is translated as a "nib" of diamond on an iron pen. What might God be trying to teach us by these t...
Season 1
Episode 22
Bread Crumbs #17 - What Kind of Fruit Are You?
Throughout the Bible, the olive tree, the fig tree, and the grapevine are used as symbols of God's people. But why have these three (and a few others) when one should do?! Join us for a fascinating discussion of the unique properties of these t...
Season 12
Episode 17
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 53
In Psalm 52 we discussed the wicked and villainous Doeg. But in this plans we ask the question, what makes a wicked person "tick"? What makes a villain a villain? But David, too, had committed the horrible sins of adultery and murder, and yet h...
Season 2
Episode 53
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 52
Psalms 51 and 52 form a pair. Both psalms resulted from a rather involved background story involving terrible sins, but the two sinners could not have been more different! David was the sinner in Psalm 51, and Doeg was the sinner in Psalm 52. H...
Season 2
Episode 52
Bread Crumbs - The Only Three Relationships That Matter
Our relationships are the only things we take from this world into the next. In this episode of Bread Crumbs, Robin and I discuss the only three real relationships a person can have, how they relate to one another, and how to keep them healthy....
Season 12
Episode 16
Body/Soul/Spirit # 5
This additional episode to the four-part series Body-Soul-Spirit gathers some additional scriptural insights into this important topic. Here we will discuss the process of salvation - past, present & future - and how it corresponds to the s...
Season 13
Episode 5
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 51
Psalm 51 is sometimes called The Chapter of Repentance. David composed this psalm when the prophet Nathan rebuked him regarding his sins against Bathsheba and her husband Uriah. As tragic as David's sin was, it did result in a psalm that provid...
Season 2
Episode 51
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 50
Asaph was the second most prolific psalmist, coming second only behind David. Psalm 50 is the first of the twelve psalms of Asaph, but why is it separated from the other eleven? Those are grouped together as Psalms 73-83. Why did the arrangers ...
Season 2
Episode 50
Hebrew Key #21 - How Does God Destroy His Enemies?
The Scriptures frequently mention God's destruction of His enemies. Yet God's means of destruction may not be what you think! There are a dozen different Hebrew words for 'destroy' in the Bible, and they all have multiple shadings of meanings -...
Season 1
Episode 21
Bread Crumbs #13 - "Soul Clutter"
Do you find yourself fighting clutter in your living space? This is a familiar battle for many in this modern world. But do you also find your soul equally as cluttered? You may never have paused to think about it, but thoughts, emotions, urgen...
Season 12
Episode 13
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 49
This final psalm of the Sons of Korach is one of the most difficult to translate. It is traditionally believed to describe Korach's wealth, which led to his eventual rebellion and downfall. The authors refer to this psalm as a 'proverb' and a '...
Season 2
Episode 49
Bread ("Cookie") Crumbs #12 - Avery, Ethan & Charlotte Smith
Join Grant and Robin for this first episode of "Bread Cookie Crumbs" in which Robin and I have a lively (and unrehearsed) discussion and Q&A with some of the bright young people God has brought into our lives. In this episo...
Season 12
Episode 12
Bread Crumbs #11 - Pirkei Avot (Part 2)
Robin and I love reading and discussing Pirkei Avot - a collection of sayings and insights by some of Israel's wisest sages. This ancient writing is traditionally studied between Passover and Pentecost every year and includes ...
Season 12
Episode 11
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 48
Psalm 48 is a love song for Jerusalem and is part of the daily prayers for the second day of the week - Monday. Why was this psalm about Jerusalem chosen to be read on the second day of the week, a day know as "division day" - the only day of c...
Season 2
Episode 48
Bread Crumbs #10 - Pirkei Avot (Part 1)
Robin and I love reading and discussing Pirkei Avot, which is a collection of sayings and insights by some of Israel's wisest sages. This ancient writing is traditionally studied between Passover and Pentecost every year and includes s...
Season 12
Episode 10