Torah Today Ministries
Torah Today explores the Hebrew scriptures and culture that shaped the life of Jesus and provides common ground for all who seek the truth. We provide short teachings on various topics from a biblical perspective and provide valuable insights into words and phrases from the Hebrew Bible.
Torah Today Ministries
Be Our Guest - Joshua Barry
Grant Luton
Season 6
Episode 11
During my travels in New Zealand (Nov.19 - Dec.9, 2024), I had the privilege to meet many fascinating people, some of whom I also got to interview and record their stories. In this interview, I would like to introduce you to Joshua Barry. I met Joshua and his family in 2016 and 2018 when visiting South Africa. In summer 2023, Joshua and his oldest son (Benjamin) visited the U.S. and we enjoyed hosting them for part of that their stay. Then early in 2024 Joshua invited me to come to New Zealand to teach at a number of Messianic communities in the north island. Joshua's story is inspiring and guaranteed to be an encouragement to all.
- For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org
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