Torah Today Ministries
Torah Today explores the Hebrew scriptures and culture that shaped the life of Jesus and provides common ground for all who seek the truth. We provide short teachings on various topics from a biblical perspective and provide valuable insights into words and phrases from the Hebrew Bible.
Podcasting since 2022 • 255 episodes
Torah Today Ministries
Latest Episodes
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 62
For one reason or another, everyone we know fades away. Every relationship will eventually fail, whether through unfaithfulness, illness, death, or betrayal. Where can we find steadfastness in this transitory world with all its transitory relat...
Season 2
Episode 62

Special Teaching - "Shacking Up" With God
This special teaching (and its peculiar title) was inspired by watching a YouTube video in which one online preacher criticized another accusing him of preaching "Law" in his sermon. This got my mental gears turning and ...well, the result is t...
Season 10
Episode 4

Tehillim Talks - Psalm 61
In this psalm, David uses five different things to describe God's faithful protection. What are these five things? And why are they listed in this order? We will also learn about the special vow made to God and how it may have resulted in the b...
Season 2
Episode 61

Salvation, Egypt, and Messiah's Return
The book of Exodus contains the Hebrew word for "save" only two times. in fact, these are the first two times the word "save" is used in the Bible. Both instances involve Moses, but in two quite dissimilar scenarios. Come with us as we ta...
Season 10
Episode 3

Tehillim Talks - Psalm 60
Did you ever feel like you were losing even when you were winning? David felt that way at times, too. In this psalm, he expresses this confusing feeling of loss even in the midst of victory. Join us for a look into this phenomenon and why it oc...
Season 2
Episode 60