Torah Today Ministries
Torah Today explores the Hebrew scriptures and culture that shaped the life of Jesus and provides common ground for all who seek the truth. We provide short teachings on various topics from a biblical perspective and provide valuable insights into words and phrases from the Hebrew Bible.
Torah Today Ministries
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 59
Grant Luton
Season 2
Episode 59
We are all familiar with so many of David's psalms wherein he moans about the things he is going through and expresses despair and near hopelessness. This psalm could easily have been like one of these. But Psalm 59 has a different tone. Even though David has plenty of reason to be distressed - Saul's minions had surrounded his house to kill him, after all - David seems to have a deep sense of calm and assurance. Though the context of this psalm is tragic, David exudes peace. This psalm is quite beautiful and expresses a deep stillness in the eye of the storm.
- For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org
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