Torah Today Ministries
Torah Today explores the Hebrew scriptures and culture that shaped the life of Jesus and provides common ground for all who seek the truth. We provide short teachings on various topics from a biblical perspective and provide valuable insights into words and phrases from the Hebrew Bible.
Torah Today Ministries
Tehillim Talks - Psalm 56
Grant Luton
Season 2
Episode 56
Psalm 56 begins a series of five psalms called "Michtams". It is uncertain what this term means, but it is somehow related to fine gold, thus making these "golden" psalms, or maybe David's favorite psalms. Psalm 56 is also the second psalm inspired by the time David disguised his sanity while behind enemy lines. (See also Psalm 34.) In this psalm David expresses his loneliness while under persecution. He set this psalm to a tune called "The Mute Dove of Distant Places". But, as David's powerful psalms often do, this one ends on a high note of hope in God.
- For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org
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